Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Twins-The slight hand approach

Following only a couple weeks after this great suprise of pregnancy, our first thought was, "we need go to the doctor and get a real test." Because anything this big and exciting can't come from just peeing on a stick, right? Mary called her doctor the next morning and asked if she can get an appointment to see if she was truly pregnant. The conversation went a little like this:

"Hi, I would like to schedule an appointment with my doctor to see if I am pregnant."-Mary

"Well Honey, did you take a pregnacy test?"-Receptionist

"Yes, I did."

"Well, what did it say?"

"It said I was pregnant."

"How many tests did you take?"


"You took three? And all three said you were pregnant?"


"Well congratulations, you are pregant!"

"Don't I have to come in and get an official test? Those pregnancy tests aren't really 100% accurate, right?"

"They are pretty darn accurate and again, congratulations you are pregnant."

Mary thought after she hung up with the phone that she just got bamboozeled.

bamboozeled-v.- to get the shaft, to get taken advantage of, having the feeling of someone is playing a joke on you.

So we made our first appointment with the doctor in order to check Mary and the baby's health. At this time Mary was only 7 or 8 weeks pregnant and we were not sure if we could even see anything. While sitting down in the waiting room, the nerves of anticipation and anxiousness were flowing through our pores. Finally, we were called back. Mary was asked to do some of the normal Dr. stuff and then they took us into the room for an ultrasound.

The Dr. came in and started getting right to work to discover the baby! We saw the image on the screen and we saw the fastest heartbeat ever! It was beating at over 200 times a minute! This was truly amazing even at 7 weeks! The heart is formed and pumping blood. From here the conversation went like this:

"Well this little one is healthy, and everything is looks great!"-Doctor

"Awww...look at the heartbeart"-Mary and I glance at one another with joy. Its as if there was soft music in the background, daisies were popping up from the ground and little forest animals were joining us for lunch.

"And here is the other one"-Doctor


"Holy Spirit*"-Mike (*We all know that I didn't say Spirit. You can probably figure out what I said)

"Did you know there were two in there the whole time"-Mike

"I can't believe this is happening"-Mary

Mary stares at the cieling and thinks:
Where are they going to sleep?
How am I going to feed them?
Our house is too small.
Boo is going to eat one of them.
Holy crap.
What if one has a bad skin and can't moisturize itself?

As I stood back in amazement and I could only think that the Dr. knew about this before we even looked at the first little heart beat. She intended on suprising us and devilishly enjoyed watching our train wrecked faces seep atleast 100 different emotions.

I finally asked, you knew that there were two in there, didn't you?

She responded with a sheepish nod in affirmation as she left our room. She explained later that she saw the second amniotic sac, but didn't want to focus on it because it would ruin the suprise.

After we mourned and celebrated in the room together, Mary needed to get some more blood work done and received a flu shot. As we waited in line to pay, Mary whispered in my ear:

"I think we just got bamboozeled"

bamboozeled-v.- to get the shaft, to get taken advantage of, having the feeling that someone is playing a joke on you.

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